The Caregiver’s Guide to ABA Therapy
Your Journey to Understanding ABA Therapy Starts Here. This introductory course is designed to empower you, the parent, as the hero in your child’s journey. Gain a foundational understanding of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and discover the core principles and practices that will help you make a meaningful impact in your child’s life. Whether you’re navigating ABA for the first time or deepening your knowledge, this course is your guide to creating positive change.

68 Learners
Enrolled -
4 Hours
Video duration -
27 Hours
Course duration -
4 Ebooks
Free of charge
A few more words about this course
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Chelsey Baker
Chelsey brings a decade of hands-on experience in school, home, and clinical settings. Known for his relatable approach, he focuses on equipping professionals with practical strategies to manage complex cases effectively.